Let’s Have F.U.N!
Theres only one thing we are interested in and that’s to have F.U.N.
Here’s a few local fun ideas you can do with your family.
F – Family
Its always amazing when we can be traditional with family time.
- Board games
- Hide and Seek
- Charades
U – Underwater Activities
Swimming pool games can spark your kids imagination. It’s exciting for adults and kids to play water games together.
- Red Rover
- Whirl Pack
- Marco Polo
N – Nature Adventures
When the weather is nice, it is so fun to be outdoors and have some adventures. Planning outdoor adventures for kids doesn’t have to be hard!
- Scavenger hunts or treasure hunts
- Hikes and Nature Walks
- Visiting Di!erent Landmarks in your country eg. Mud Volcano and Bird Sanctuary